Is ucd-snmp 4.1.2 the latest version?  Was your snmpd compiled with agentx 
The AgentX support in many versions of UCD SNMP were very buggy; only the 
latest version (and cvs snapshots since then) have been sufficient for this 
SNMP support.


--On Wednesday, March 14, 2001 02:55:04 PM +0100 Stefano Coatti 

> I installed Cyrus IMAPD 2.0.12 on Linux 2.2.18 with the option
> --with-ucdsnmp and I installed previously also ucd-snmp.4.1.2.
> Now, the master program doesn't listen to any port (#netstat -a) and
> nothing is logged.
> I have to configure cyrus in some manner?
> What can I test the master program with the snmp protocol?
>   Best regards
> ---------------------------------------
>      __O   Stefano Coatti - MAP
>    _-\<,_    Inferentia S.p.A.
>   (_)/ (_)  Tel. 02.59928.258

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