Along with quite a number of others, I guess, I'm now actively looking at 
upgrading from ESYS/Execmail/MessagingDirect (whatever the heck they are 
called now) IMSP and IMAP to Cyrus.

I have a problem with Simeon and Execmail interworking with the Cyrus IMSP 
server which seems pretty much identical to what was described back in 
April 1996 - see below - in a nutshell, no address book problems, no option
saving problems, but unable to load options.

I've done some tracing, and what I see is that when Execmail issues a 
"<tag> get imsp.*" command, Cyrus imspd dies. Using telnet as my client, I 

* OK Cyrus IMSP version 1.6a3 ready
. get common.*
* OPTION "Tue, 27 Mar 2001 10:10:38 +0100" [READ-ONLY]
* OPTION common.domain [READ-ONLY]
* OPTION common.from "" [READ-ONLY]
* OPTION common.sent.mailbox sentmail [READ-ONLY]
. OK get completed
. get imsp.*
Connection closed by foreign host.

At the server end (running imspd under "truss"), I see...

read(5, " .   g e t   c o m m o n".., 4096)     = 16
time()                                          = 985684238
poll(0xFFBE8920, 1, 30000)                      = 1
write(5, " *   O P T I O N   c o m".., 295)     = 295
poll(0xFFBE9920, 1, 1800000)    (sleeping...)
poll(0xFFBE9920, 1, 1800000)                    = 1
read(5, " .   g e t   i m s p . *".., 4096)     = 14
    Incurred fault #6, FLTBOUNDS  %pc = 0xFF136DCC
      siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_MAPERR addr=0x00000000
    Received signal #11, SIGSEGV [caught]
      siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_MAPERR addr=0x00000000
sigaction(SIGSEGV, 0xFFBE9518, 0xFFBE9598)      = 0
getpid()                                        = 7202 [7201]
kill(7202, SIGSEGV)                             = 0
    Received signal #11, SIGSEGV [default]
      siginfo: SIGSEGV pid=7202 uid=0
        *** process killed ***

This does appear to be a bug in the cyrus server and is obviously 
catastophic to my plans to upgrade. Is there any possibility of a fix?


On Thu, 11 Apr 1996 19:20:29 +0200 (MET DST) Michel Jouvin 

> Hi,
> I don't know if final release of imspd is available now, I didn't get
> the time to check recently. But with the previous alpha versions of
> imspd, there was a known interoperability issue with Simeon for GET
> command due to some ESYS extensions made to the command. Thus you need
> to get the ESYS version of imspd (amodified version of Cyrus server).
> I was told a month ago that final release of Cyrus imspd should include
> ESYS extensions.
> Hope this can help.
> Michel
> On Wed, 10 Apr 1996, Art Mulder wrote:
> >
> > Here's the situation:
> >
> >   We've got cyrus imapd built and installed and it appears to be running
> >   fine.
> >
> >   I just built cyrus imspd and installed it also (v0.5a3).  I had to make
> >   one or two tweeks to get it to build on our Solaris 2.4 Kerberos
> >   environment, but everything whent fairly smoothly.
> >
> >   (We were using the c-client imspd, but we need kerberos authentication
> >   and so had to get the cyrus imspd)
> >
> >   Simeon is the main client that we are using to test out our imap and
> >   imsp setup.
> >
> >   Logging in (authenticating yourself) to the imsp server works fine.
> >   Loading and saving address books works fine.
> >   Saving options to the imsp server works fine.
> >
> >   Loading options fails.  Simeon gives the error:
> >     "Command 'get' requires 1 properly formed argument(s)"
> >
> >   This is with Simeon on Unix and also on the Mac.
> >
> >   Any advice on how to proceed would be appreciated.  Is simeon
> >   implementing the protocol wrong or is the daemon doing so?
> >   should I wait for the next imsp release?  Should I be laying
> >   this problem at the foot of esys :-) ?
> >
> > Thanks for any help,
> > mulder ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )( )
> >               ( Sys Admin / Support Analyst, Network Resources )
> >               ( Computing and Network Services, U of Alberta, Edmonton )
> >

Richard Hopkins,
Information Services,
Computer Centre,
University of Bristol,
Bristol, BS8 1UD, UK

Tel +44 117 928 7859
Fax +44 117 929 1576


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