The answer is still no formal support.
The only way to get true virtual domain support
is via multiple IP addresses and a jail system.
This is just one step below running physically
different servers.

So unless you have /27 network handy to handle
just your email domains (you'll acutally probably
need a /26 which is 63 usable IPs as one goes
to the router), you're looking at some kind of
naming system where you either invent some unique
three or four letter code to append to each email
name like userddom or you do some kind of pattern
substitution like user_domain_dom as the login name.

I guess you could get away with non-standard ports
to give each domain its own unique port but that's
not very scalable.

The answer for the hoobyist is as follows:
- name map [EMAIL PROTECTED] to user_domain_dom
    whenever you create an address.

- Using some kind of email name rewriting method
    (MTA dependent), change all incoming addresses
    from [EMAIL PROTECTED] to user_domain_dom.

- Have all users of the system login
    as user_domain_dom.  Once they set up their
    user name once they rarely need to type it
    again because the MUA usually saves this info.

- You can point mail.domain.dom to the same IP
    for all domains.

If you wanted to use the partitions in Cyrus
to physically separate the domains mail store
you can do this (but you will still need globally
unique mailbox names).

Happy Hacking!
-- Michael --

----- Original Message -----
From: "Christopher Riordan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "cyrus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 8:38 PM
Subject: Virtual domains

> I know this has been brought up a lot. and I've gone back over my mail
> this list. But there nothign recent for atleast 2.0 and higher. Next Week
> will be building a new server to help with loads and what not. and I'm not
> looking forward to reinstalling Cyrus and what not. How ever if I can
> install the latest Cyrus with Sendmail and support seperate mail spools
> domains. then my life would be tremendously easier. since I won't have to
> route things thru the alias files todo things. and I can get a webmail
> system up and running. I know someone was running multiple versions via a
> Jail system. I am not familiar with jail. I am running FreeBSD4.2 or what
> ever is the latest at the point of install :) I don't have much time to
> with things since it's more of a hobby but I'm running about 30 somethign
> domains for people. So if anyone can offer some help it would be greately
> apriciated.
> Chris Riordan
> Hal-9000 Networks

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