Just delete all the Netscape IMAP mailbox index files. Netscape will
re-create them (hopefully correctly this time) the next time you access
that IMAP folder. In Solaris the index files live in ~/ns_imap/{imap
In Winders I can't remember exactly where they live... I think it's
something like 
\Program Files\Netscape\Netscape Users\{username}\IMAP\{IMAP


> Hello,
> We're using Netscape 4.76 and
> sometimes headers in Netscape
> messages list don't match with
> the correct messages.
> For example: you click on
> message A and what you get is
> message B.
> (You can't rely on Netscape messages list)
> It's very annoying.
> When deleting a message, you're likely
> to delete another message than
> the one you really choosed.
> Sometimes when you move a mail
> from the imap server to a local
> folder, the body of the message
> disappears.
> We can't reproduce this mismatch bug.
> Some people don't have it, some others
> have it every day.
> It seems more frequent with people
> with lots of messages filters.
> We don't know whether the problem
> comes from Netscape or Cyrus-imap
> (1.6.24)
> Does it come from Netscape Imap Cache ?
> Is it possible to configure or
> desactivate this cache ?
> We have several hundred users.
> They are using Netscape 4.76 (80% under Windows
> and 25% under Solaris) and this bug prevents
> us from moving them from pop to imap.
> We have this bug with older versions of
> Netscape too.
> I don't know yet if 4.77 corrects this bug
> but I would be rather surprised if it does.
> Anyone in this list having this mismatch header bug ?
> Regards,
> Nicolas

Jules Agee
System Administrator
Pacific Coast Feather Co.

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