Hey Seva,

This could also be due to an overheating system.


Friday, March 23, 2001, 11:48:29 AM, you wrote:

SA> This probably should be a FAQ item by now! One of the most
SA> common reasons for signal 11 (on Redhat systems) with cyrus 
SA> is mismatch with the shared libraries. Often times it is the 
SA> Berkeley db versions that come with the Redhat distribution 
SA> coming in the way. 

SA> You may want to do an "ldd imapd", to check the libraries that
SA> the compiled version of your programs are picking, if they
SA> are not the same as the one that you built them with, then most 
SA> likely, that is your problem. If the shared libraries look ok 
SA> then you would have to deal with the logs and see if they have
SA> anything to offer and if they don't reveal anything, then you
SA> will probably have to deal with core itself by going into "gdb" 
SA> and looking at the trace and see where it bombed!

SA> __
SA> Seva

SA> Andreas Rogge wrote:
>> --On Thursday, March 22, 2001 23:26:38 -0700 Cory Waddingham
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > I recently installed Cyrus 2.0.12 on a RedHat 6.2 system. When I start up
>> > the  server and attempt to connect, I get the following error in my log:
>> > process <pid> exited, signaled to death by 11
>> The signals are described in man 7 signals. Signal 11 (aka SIGSEGV) means a
>> segmentation fault (i.e. the program tried to write to ram it didn't own)
>> this generally means a programming error or hardware failure or something
>> like this (maybe OS-error?).
>> --
>> Andreas Rogge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Available on IRCnet:#linux.de as Dyson

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