Stuart Clark wrote:

> All,
> Here is my solution to my original post (when i accidently assumed the alias CYRUS 
>LIST :)
> I have since used the UW mail tools (imap-utils.tar.Z), which does need you to have 
>the c-client source from the UW IMAP server (imap-2000c.tar.Z), compiled but not 
>installed. These are from . I have a slightly 
>modified the imapxfer program to take username/password for source and dest IMAP 
>servers on the command line:
> usage: ./imapxfer "{source_host}prefix" "souce_username" "source_passwd" 
>"{destination_host}prefix" "dest_username" "dest_passwd
> The "{host}prefix" syntax is from the UW c-client.
> The only problem I have noticed, is that it opens the source IMAP server as 
>READ-ONLY, but then tries to set the /SEEN flag on retrieval of the message, and thus 
>generates a permission denied message on STDERR.  All flags get copied across fine.  
>This program also has the advantage over the tool (MoveIMAPMail), in that 
>it will copy the contents of a folder when the folder already exists on the dest host.

Stuart, thanks for the information.
I too am workign with imapxfer, the purpose being to transfer email from an existing 
Netscape Messaging server to the Cyrus-based SusE email server.

One problem I have encountered is that the Cyrus Imap server does not permit /authuser 
So, I cannot authenticate as the administrative user to transfer mail to the Cyrus 

I've written a Perl script which sets the user passwords to a default, know value on 
both servers in orfder to do this transfer.

How do other people handle this situation please? Any tips are welcome!

John Hearns

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