At 05:15 AM 23/6/2001, Ken Murchison wrote:

>The bottom line: if you simply install this code and change nothing,
>then it will run the same as your current setup.
>For more info, read doc/overview.html, and imapd.conf(5).

The docs are good and should be read. 

I however do see a problem between the two implementations.  I have set up two 
separate imapd processes running on different ports and with different (one with 
ALTERNATE NAMESPACE) imapd.conf files.   

I am using a modified UW-imap tool (imapxfer) to transfer mail from one server to 

The below shows that the tool can not create a mailbox name "INBOX.Testing" when 
connected to the same account using the ALTERNATE NAMESPACE feature.  This works fine 
when connecting to the same server using the standard namespace.

Transfer messages from cyrus server to cyrus-ALT-namespace server:

# ./imapxfer "{server-two:143}" userA passA "{server:143}" userB passB
Listing mailboxes...
Copying {"userA"}INBOX
  => {"userB"}INBOX
Mailbox {"userA"}INBOX has 1 message(s).
?Mailbox already exists
WARNING: Can't create mailbox {"userB"}INBOX
Copying {"userA"}INBOX.Testing
  => {"userB"}INBOX.Testing
Mailbox {"userA"}INBOX.Testing has 1 message(s).
?Invalid mailbox name
WARNING: Can't create mailbox {"userB"}INBOX.Testing
?Invalid mailbox name
?Can't append message to mailbox 
{"userB"}INBOX.Testing -- aborting

Transfer messages from cyrus server to cyrus server:

# ./imapxfer "{server-two:143}" userA passA "{server:144}" userB passB
Listing mailboxes...
Copying {"userA"}INBOX
  => {"userB"}INBOX
Mailbox {"userA"}INBOX has 1 message(s).
?Mailbox already exists
WARNING: Can't create mailbox {"userB"}INBOX
Copying {"userA"}INBOX.Testing
  => {"userB"}INBOX.Testing
Mailbox {"userA"}INBOX.Testing has 1 message(s).
Copying {"userA"}INBOX.lala emem
  => {"userB"}INBOX.lala emem
Mailbox {"userA"}INBOX.lala emem has 2 

I have TCPFLOW dumps if you are interested.

Kind regards,  Stuart.

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