Louis LeBlanc wrote:
> Now another change in error messages, not lmtp this time.  I'm gettin'
> signalled to death by 11.  Pisser.
> Is 2.0.14 a bad release?  I see a few messages in the archives with no
> solutions.
2.0.12 is probably the most stable 2.x release, although it's not great for
very high volume sites. Other than the scalability issues, I'm not aware of
any major problems with 2.0.12.

> Gettin real tempted to get back to 1.6.24.  Please give me a reason to
> stick this out!
The 2.x series have many improvements over 1.6.x, and are being actively
developed. If you go back to 1.6 now, you'll probably find yourself wanting
to move to 2.x not far down the track when you want some feature that isn't
backported (DB3 storage, preforking daemons, generic Unix socket notifier,
alternative namespace feature, new directory hashing patches, ...) Then
you'll have to start over and set up your infrastructure all over again.

There--is that a good enough reason ;-) Cyrus 2.0.12 is pretty stable, and
being used in a number of production environments, including mine
(http://www.fastmail.fm) and CMU of course. Cyrus 2.0.14 supports higher
throughput, although some of the changes to achieve this aren't really that
mature yet. BTW, since you're fighting with your email server anyway, you
might consider switching to a real MTA, like Postfix
(http://www.postfix.org), which supports Cyrus OOTB, is much less cryptic to
configure than Sendmail, and is more secure.


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