Hey Devdas,

Tuesday, June 26, 2001, 5:28:22 AM, you wrote:

DB> On Tue, 26 Jun 2001, Devdas Bhagat spewed into the ether:
DB> <snip>
>> Cannot authenticate to server as cyrus
>> Without the -u option, I get the error
>> Cannot connect to server 
>> if I try to do anything
DB> Ok, I fixed that error by specifying a SASL auth mechanism.
DB> Now cyradm segfaults and core dumps.
DB> I tried to bt on the core, but no useful results were obtained.
DB> Any suggestions. How do I debug this?

I get the same thing.  I looked at the Cyrus::IMAP::Admin.pm code and
the Cyrus::IMAP.pm code.  There's a comment saying that SASL PLAIN
auth is broken.  I really don't see why (I can do plain auth via sasl
with postfix no problem).  I think this is more than likely a bug with
cyradm and not SASL.

So, until this gets fixed, how do I add manage mailboxes?

DB> Devdas Bhagat

God, I see you post everywhere.  We must be on all the same mailing
lists or something ;)


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