And this one also:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Subject: Re: cyrus: cannot validate a user that exist on the /etc/passwd

On Tue, 10 Jul 2001, Wolfgang Schäfer wrote:

> hi david,
> David wrote:
> >
> > Thanks a lot for your answer Wolfgang.
> >
> > Let me point you in my actual situation:
> >
> > I have downloaded the latest version of imapd-cyrus: 2.0.15. (tgz format)
> > I wanted to install the sasl libraries from tgz source, but I prefer to
> > use the rpm that come with the distribution because I have a lot of
> > dependences with other packages. These are the sasl-packages that I use:
> >
> >         cyrus-sasl-devel-1.5.24-17
> >         cyrus-sasl-1.5.24-17
> >
> > Well After that I follow the instructions that comes with the tgz tarball:
> >
> > 1. configure --disable-sieve  // if I don't do that, configure fails
> ... have you install tcl? this can be the error!
> and then configure "--with-pwcheck_method=shadow" if you will use the
> shadow method!

I don't know what is tcl, but how I don't have configure switches,
configure will generate a makefile that will build the binaries with
tcl support, because I am not using this switch: --without-tcl.

Regarding to the configure, well, so far I want to use the most easy
pwcheck method (I think it's sasldb method), in this case I don't need
configure switches, isn't it?

By the way, in spite the problem would come from here, I suppose that the
daemon most, at least, run properly until I make the validation process.
Don't you reckon?

Thanks for your help.... I have been working 3 days on this....

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