hello all,

i'm running into some (painful!) problems with my fresh cyrus-imap 2.0.15
installation and would *really* appreciate any guru-advice i can get.

master starts up fine (or at least appears to) and is listening on its
specified ports (143 and 993).  however, any connection to those ports
hangs waiting for the greeting and the spawned imapd process dies.  it
leaves this in the syslog:

process 17601 exited, signalled to death by 11

ouch.  that's pretty much all the diagnostics i have.  it's not a system
issue, packet-filtering and tcpwrappers are both fine.  :)

build information:

redhat-linux-6.2 (kernel2.2.16)


configdirectory:        /var/imap
partition-default:      /var/spool/imap
admins:                 cyrus
sasl_pwcheck_method:    passwd
tls_cert_file:          /var/imap/server.pem
tls_key_file:           /var/imap/server.pem
allowplaintext:         yes

the only funny compile option was to disable libwrap (--without-libwrap i
believe) as i thought tcpwrapper support was broken bc of past experience.
btw, you *may* want to change your use of tcpwrappers to bring it in line
with standard use.  this is with regard to the service name usually being
the process name (*not* the service name).  perhaps creating a wrapper
/usr/cyrus/bin/imapsd which calls 'imapd -s' would be appropriate.
nothing big at all, and i just failed to read the cyrus.conf(5) man page.
but still an issue.  i would either highlight it more prominently in the
install docs or change the behavior...  back to the issue at hand.  sorry
for the tangent.

perhaps other issues revelent during the build:  i built sasl with almost
all mechanisms disabled.  i want the PLAIN (login) mechanism only, over an
ssl-encrypted channel.  so that's what i built for.  --enable-plain.

any help would be *very* appreciated.  tia.



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