> Hi all, 
> I'm running hier FreeBSD 4.3 Release an I installed Cyrus-imapd with mysql
> auth.
> Right now I'm testing the sending of mails to local mailboxes of cyrus, but
> it doesn't work.
> Everytime I send an message I got the following failure message:
> Jul 27 16:58:05 test sendmail[578]: f6REv3g00346: SYSERR(root): Could not
> connect to socket /var/imap/socket/lmtp: Connection refused by localhost.
> I used the cyrusv2.mc to make an sendmail.cf file.
> Probably someone cann help me...

Is on your /etc/cyrus.conf file on SERVICES section:

  lmtpunix      cmd="lmtpd" listen="/var/imap/socket/lmtp" prefork=0

          /"\                           |  Kari 
          \ /     ASCII Ribbon Campaign |    Hurtta
           X      Against HTML Mail     |
          / \                           |

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