It is or used to be called MessagingDirect.  I think they've joined forces 
with another company in Europe somewhere, and so it may certainly have gone 
through another name change.  We originally were using their X500, imap and 
imsp servers.  We have dropped their X500 and imsp servers and will be 
switching away from the imap server, if not this month, then in September. 
The non-commercial variant (oops, I mean the original) appears to me to be 
the superior product.  Cyrus is certainly more responsive to the varying 
ideosyncratic needs/desires of its user base.

-- Rob

--On Thursday, August 02, 2001 10:27:06 AM +0100 Simon Loader 

>> IMHO, the architecture is correct (similar to other commercial variants
>> of Cyrus) and the problem lies completely with OE.
> Out of interest what are the commercial variants
> of cyrus ? The only one I think I know of is some
> Canadian company of which the name escapes me.
> --
> Simon

       _ _ _ _           _    _ _ _ _ _
      /\_\_\_\_\        /\_\ /\_\_\_\_\_\
     /\/_/_/_/_/       /\/_/ \/_/_/_/_/_/  QUIDQUID LATINE DICTUM SIT,
    /\/_/__\/_/ __    /\/_/    /\/_/          PROFUNDUM VIDITUR
   /\/_/_/_/_/ /\_\  /\/_/    /\/_/
  /\/_/ \/_/  /\/_/_/\/_/    /\/_/         (Whatever is said in Latin
  \/_/  \/_/  \/_/_/_/_/     \/_/              appears profound)

  Rob Tanner
  UNIX and Networks Manager
  Linfield College, McMinnville OR
  (503) 434-2558 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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