--On Sunday, August 05, 2001 09:44:07 PM -0700 David Wright 

> Does ANYONE have the following configuration working?
> cyrus-imapd-2.0.x authenticating via LDAP using sasl_pwcheck_method: PAM
> and the pam_ldap module
> If so, please chime in to say on what system and how you got it to work.
> I can't imagine this configuration is obscure: LDAP is the preemininent
> large-scale directory server, cyrus-imapd the preemininent large-scale
> imap server, and PAM the preeminent authentication system. If everyone
> is having the problems I am, this is a disaster for cyrus-imapd.

I have that configuration. Problem with "death by signal 11" was reported 
on a mailing list (can't remember if this is this one or openldap one) by 
someone who located the problem and gave me a small patch, consisting of 
commenting 2 or 3 lines of code in openldap. Problem was in memory 
deallocation (some memory was deallocated both by openldap and sasl).

Unfortunately, I lost this patch and the mail of the guy who gave it to me. 
I think we can find it in OpenLdap mailing list archives (I'll have a 
look). When I had to upgrade openldap, the problem came back since I didn't 
have the patch anymore. The workaround was to disable SASL support in 
OpenLdap which I don't use at all.

Hope this helps.

Jerome Fleury

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