Marc Schöchlin wrote:
> Hi !
> I´m useing the following Version/RPMs of Cyrus:
> cyrus-sasl-1.5.24-17
> cyrus-imapd-2.0.14-3rm
> cyrus-imapd-devel-2.0.14-3rm
> cyrus-imapd-utils-2.0.14-3rm
> cyrus-imapd-doc-2.0.14-3rm
> Cyrus works very well, but now i´m asking me how I can restore specific 
> Mailboxes from a backup by keeping:
> - the ACLs

Restore the mailbox database.

> - the mailboxdata

Restore the mail files you care about, then reconstruct the mailbox

> How can I restore a complete server ?

Reinstall the software, restore the sasl database (if applicable), 
restore etc/*.conf (and other things like ssl keys), restore the user, 
sieve and quota directories, restore the mailbox database, restore the 
mail files, reconstruct all mailboxes, restart master.

> Which data should be included in the backup ?

Everything. :-) You can never back up too much. :-)

It may not be a bad idea every once in a while to dump the mailboxes 
database to a flat file just in case. You do this with ctl_mboxlist -d.

> How can I rebuild the database integrity ?

Well, for the mailboxes, do a reconstruct. For the mailbox database 
itself, I believe it can be rebuilt, but you would lose the ACLs if the 
database was not restorable.

> I have serveral problems in finding this there any in 
> the www ?
> If someone explains me the restore, I will write a little howto :-)
> Regards
> Mar Schöchlin

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