On Fri, 17 Aug 2001, Jeremy Howard spewed into the ether:
> Devdas Bhagat wrote:
> > This one is wierd. I compiled cyrus-sasl 1.5.27 today, and overwrote my
> > default RPM libraries.
> > Now I cannot authenticate with cyradm.
> Have you tried:
>   cyradm -u admin --auth PLAIN localhost
> ie: specify an explicit mechanism on the command line.

>From the strace:
execve("/usr/local/cyrus/bin/cyradm", ["cyradm", "-u", "cyrus", "-a", "login", 
The command line was cyradm -u cyrus -a login localhost.

This command has worked fine with the cyradm shipped with 2.0.16 until
I upgraded SASL. Is this a non backward compatible change in SASL or
something else that I have run into?
AFAIK, cyrus-sasl 1.5.27 is backwards compatible with 1.5.24.
(I needed to see saslauthd, which seems to do exactly what I need, but
not fully yet)

Devdas Bhagat
Nothing makes one so vain as being told that one is a sinner.
Conscience makes egotists of us all.
                -- Oscar Wilde

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