You lucky, I had the same problem yesterday and the post
from Scott on the second of feb this year was my solution.
I still had the page open so here is the important bits. This
assumes you have tried using sam in cyradm to set the right permissions
to delete it (this the right way). If that does not work, as it
did not work for me, them try this:

>     1. Run ctl_mboxlist -d > mboxlist.temp to dump existing mailboxes.
>     2. Remove mailboxes.db file: rm mailboxes.db
>     3. Edit mboxlist.temp to remove the folder
>     4. Run ctl_mboxlist -u < mboxlist.temp to change the contents of
> mailboxes.db.

Thanks Scott


----- Original Message -----
From: "dieter franzke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2001 11:16 AM
Subject: undeletable mailboxes created by outlook-express

> Hi,
> some users in our network are using outlook express. At the
> first start oe created the toplevel-mailboxes
> 1.gelöschte Objekte
> 2.Entwürfe
> 3.trash with the rights anyone lrs.
> These mailboxes should be created in the user.Inbox.
> Now these mailboxes could not be deleted neither by the users
> nor by cyrus via cyradm.
> Error: Permission denied?
> How can i get rid of this rubbish?
> ciao
> dieter franzke
> --
> made with pure  L I N U X

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