Levent Gündogdu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yeah!
> I don't believe it! I can access my imapd account. All I did was 
> changing the advanced options in mozilla to get all folders and not only 
> the subscribed ones. Maybe this will help you find the bug finally.
> Thanks a lot.
> Bye,
>   Levo.
> P.S. That "unknown option -s" for imapd and pop3d still persists and 
> causes SIG11, too.

I noticed this before, but only when I ran master in 'debug' mode (master -D)
which doesn't close stderr etc. The following patch suppresses the error
message. This was from 2.0.15 or thereabouts.

--- master/service.c.orig       Fri Jun 15 17:58:53 2001
+++ master/service.c    Fri Jun 15 15:04:29 2001
@@ -145,6 +145,7 @@
     int opt;
     char *alt_config = NULL;
+    opterr = 0;
     while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "C:")) != EOF) {
        switch (opt) {
        case 'C': /* alt config file */


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