I use the following perl script to create users: (Put in valid 
userid/passwd for $user and $pass)

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# adduser.pl
# Usage: adduser.pl newuser
    use File::Basename;
    use Net::IMAP;
$newuser = "user.$ARGV[0]";
$user = "user";
$pass = "password";
    # Set this to the hostname of your IMAP server
#    $IMAPSERVER = "";
    $IMAPSERVER = "localhost";
    # Main Code
    # Login to IMAP server
    $imap = new Net::IMAP($IMAPSERVER, Synchronous => 1) || die "no go 
$! !";
    $response = $imap->login($user, $pass);
    print "Login: ", $response->status, "-", $response->status_text, "\n";
    # Create the new mailbox
    $response = $imap->create($newuser);
    print "Create: ", $response->status, "-", $response->status_text, "\n";
    # Disconnect from IMAP server
    $response = $imap->logout();
    print "Logout: ", $response->status, "-", $response->status_text, "\n";

Sandra Regina wrote:

>I have been searching the archive messages for a script to create
>mailbox,  but I have found it only in TCL. I have read on man pages
>that  cyradm in tcl is not supported any more.
>Does anyone has the following script  in Perl ?
>Thanks a lot
>su first
> cyradm -file adduser.tcl
> if {$argc != 1} {
>   puts "usage: No user list specifiled."
>   exit 1
> }
> set infile [lindex $argv 0 ]
> set quota 512
> eval cyradm connect cyr_conn host
> eval cyr_conn authenticate -pwcommand {{
>   set hostname "myhost"
>   set adminid "cyrus"
>   set adminpw "the password"
>   list $adminid $adminpw
>   }
> }
> if [catch {open $infile} IN] {
>   puts stderr "Can not open file $infile: $IN"
>   exit 1
> }
> while {[gets $IN mailbox] >= 0} {
>   exec /usr/sbin/adduser -batch $mailbox email $mailbox $mailbox
>   cyr_conn createmailbox user.$mailbox
>   cyr_conn setquota user.$mailbox storage $quota
>   cyr_conn createmailbox user.$mailbox.sentmail
> }
> close $IN

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