I no longer have the original message in this thread, but for the
benefit of others trying to make Sieve Vacation work, I'm going to
summarize what I've discovered.

Ken Murchison is correct in that Sieve Vacation does not consult
the `servername' setting from /etc/imapd.conf to determine the
domain portion of the recipient address.  In fact, it compares the
envelope recipient to the header recipients to determine if the
message is ``personally addressed''.  If there are :addresses values
specified in the sieve script, it compares the envelope recipient to
those as well.  Both the user portion and the domain portion of the
addresses have to match in order for Sieve Vacation to respond to
the message.

However, the domain portion of the envelope recipient address is
set by Cyrus lmptd.  Sendmail always strips the domain portion of
the envelope recipient when doing local delivery, leaving an unqualified
address.  Cyrus lmptd qualifies this with the `servername' setting from
/etc/imapd.conf, or the local hostname, if this setting is absent.

There are many circumstances in which the envelope recipient address,
as modified by lmtpd, will never match the header recipients.  This
will happen if the mail server has an unqualified hostname, if sendmail
is masquerading header recipients, of if sendmail accepts mail sent
to a CNAME, for example.  In theses cases Sieve Vacation will never
respond to incoming mail unless the correct :addresses values are
specified in the sieve script.  Having to specify these is unnecessary
and confusing.

One solution would be a configuration setting for the domain that
Cyrus lmptd uses to qualify the envelope recipient.  However, this
only takes care of the simplest case.  A better solution would be
a configuration setting for a list of domains that Sieve Vacation
would recognize as local domains.  This would mean that Vacation would
work correctly by default, and that most users would not need to
specify :addresses values.

-Gary Mills-    -Unix Support-    -U of M Academic Computing and Networking-

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