Cyrus Imapd 1.6.24
Sendmail 8.12.0
Cyrus-sasl 1.5.24

I'm getting a service unavailable error after I switch the deliver flags
to -e -l.  I get a savemail panic because nothing can get delivered
anywhere.  I manually added the /var/imap/socket/lmtp and I'm not sure
if I did it right.  I looked at the tools/mkimap script and it doesn't
seem to make that file and I'm confused as to how to get lmtp delivery
working properly.  I've had the regular deliver flags working now for a
while with no problems but I would like to use the vacation feature of
sieve.  If someone could point me to the right docs or give me some
advice I would be grateful.  Thank you.

P.S.  If this posts twice I was using a different email address and 
wasn't sure if I could post w/o being subscribed.  

David W. Jablonski, RHCE, MCSE
Systems Administrator

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