In our configuration the set of users that can receive mail locally is
the contents of the assign file.
Messages are passed to deliver via the users' .qmail files.

The transformation of the Return-Path happens after qmail has
handed off the message to cyrus for final delivery.

We believe it's this bit of code from savemsg() in lmtpengine.c:

        if (!strchr(rpath, '@')) {
            hostname = config_servername;
        fprintf(f, "Return-Path: <%s%s%s>\r\n",
                rpath, hostname ? "@" : "", hostname ? hostname : ""

If anyone can help us understand the reasons for this, we'd 
greatly appreciate it.  

Lisa Maira

On Fri, Sep 21, 2001 at 09:40:44AM, Pascal Gienger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It would be nice if you could tell us your configuration (how did you
> couple QMAIL with Cyrus? via /var/users/assign?) and then we can look if we
> can help you (sorry for the "we" as I am very new to this mailing list but
> very "old" when it goes to Cyrus IMAPD things, I am using this beast from Ver-
> sions 1.5 on and now we have 2.0.16 working like a charm).

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