Sorry to add to the non-cyrus-related noise, we should probably take any 
further discussion in this thread off-list. However, I couldn't resist 
one more note since I have been very interested in setting up a 
shared-calendar system. With shared-calendar functionality, cyrus imapd, 
sendmail/postfix, and an OpenLDAP directory, who needs MS Exchange?

I heard that moregroupware was still pretty much alpha-quality, with 
many unimplemented or only partially working features. Is that not true?

Phpgroupware ( seemed like a more mature 
system, with budding support for the iCal protocol to allow 
interoperability with Palm Desktop, Outlook, etc... I am planning to 
evaluate both at some point in the near future, and would appreciate any 
feedback, opinions, etc. on these and any other non-Microsoft 
"groupware/shared calendar" systems you happen across.



Atif Ghaffar wrote:

> ronen amity wrote:
>> I am looking for some web based shared calender ( like outlook).
>> features : it need to be able to set up meetings with others in the 
>> data base, and to be easy to use.
>> must run on unix/linux, and i would like it to be in php.
>> does anyone got anything other then outlook ?
> Yes, have a look at moregroupware. Its doing what you need.

Jules Agee
System Administrator
Pacific Coast Feather Co.

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