On Wed, 26 Sep 2001, Ken Murchison wrote:

> I can't speak for Rob, but I don't think Cyrus IMAP + SASL v2 is ready
> for primetime just yet.

Right now the main thing that is blocking it is some more testing, but I
wouldn't recommend it to anyone looking to run it on a production system.

> > Are there plans to release official non beta release in the Cyrus
> > SASL 1.5.x series after the beta version 1.5.27?
> Not to my knowledge.

No, there are no plans to make any non-beta releases after 1.5.24.

> > Are the any serious bugs with Cyrus SASL 1.5.24 or in Cyrus SASL 1.5.27
> > that are fixed in Cyrus SASL 2.x versions?
> Not to my knowledge.  SASL v2 improves on the API and memory management
> of v1.5.

There are a few minor things that were found during the development of
SASLv2 that were fixed & backported into the CVS for SASL 1.5, however,
nothing of such major concern to warrant a new release.


Rob Siemborski | Andrew Systems Group * Cyert Hall 235 * 412-CMU-TREK
               | Cyrus SASL Developer, /usr/contributed Gatekeeper

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