Amos Gouaux wrote:
> Well, my inbox currently has 3568 messages in it and PINE pops it
> open in a jiffy.  You need to keep in mind that Cyrus caches things
> like the headers.  See the four "cyrus.*" files in each folder.

Right, but this may still be a problem because those files are in
the same directory as all the messages.  Maybe you don't have a
problem yet because you have "only" 3568 messages and there aren't
many users with large folders, so once Cyrus has looked in that
dir once all the entries are in the dcache.  But when you have 
dozens of users with folder of 10K+ messages a machine with 1GB
of RAM may not have enough dcache to hold it all and so every 
time Cyrus tries to access the header cache (cyrus.* file) in
your folder it will have to go back to disk, read the whole huge
directory, search it for the cache.* files, etc.

I'm not saying that there is necessarily anything wrong with 
Cyrus... in fact, I think that for modern requirements the old
designs of the filesystems are the problem, not the application.
Applications shouldn't /have/ to work around this kind of 
thing.  But if we're using UFS or ext2 (and I think even ext3)
this is the reality we're still living with, and I'd like to
know if anyone is running into this and seeing
noticeable/problematic folder open times because of it.


Jürgen Botz                       | While differing widely in the various
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   | little bits we know, in our infinite
                                  | ignorance we are all equal. -Karl Popper

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