Hi All,

I am trying to work through our file locking problem in Cyrus 2.0.16.
Since the problem appears to be tied to locking the seen file, I have
recompiled with SEEN_DEBUG turned on to see if I can get any more info.
I will let you know anything I find.  Any other suggestions on how to
gather more info would be appreciated.

I did have a couple of questions that came out from looking at the

First, in seen_db.c although all the comments reference the Berkely DB
structure for the seen file, there is a define statement

/* choose "flat" or "db3" here */
#define DB (&cyrusdb_flat)

This seems to mean that Cyrus uses the old style text file to store the
seen info rather than a Berkely DB.   Is there a particular reason this
is defined this way by default?   Is the Berkeley DB style seen format
safe to use and/or preferred?

Second,   In the locking architecture used in lib/lock_flock.c,  the
flock function is called in a blocking fashion with the LOCK_EX
operation rather than or'ing this with the LOCK_NB.    As a result, if
any process gets a lock on a file and fails to release it, all
subsequent processes with block permanently.     While in a perfect
world, this would be fine, since locks appear to be released when
processes terminate, in my world, this seems to cause a cascade failure
where once a mailbox gets locked, eventually mail delivery dies when all
of my deliver processes are hung up waiting for the user's  mailbox to
be unlocked.   Is there any reason not to try to call flock in a
non-blocking fashion with some limited number of retries ( perhaps
delayed with additional attempts tried at increasing intervals) until
finally after 5 minutes or so we fail with an error.     I was going to
give this a try unless somebody already knows why this is a bad idea.

Third,  I suspect (after looking at the open files in use by the imap
process after terminating an IMAP connection) that the problem may be
exacerbated by, or related to process reuse, can anyone point me to how
to disable this feature for  imapd ?

Thanks in advance for your help,

John Wade

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