Just recently I've been having problems expunging messages from my inbox
(all sub-folders do not display this problem).  It does not seem to be a
problem with the client (seeing as it works for other folders and from
hints in the packet trace to follow).  I can mark message as deleted
without any problems but when I issue the expunge command it takes the
server about 20 seconds to respond...  Is this a problem anyone has seen?
Does anyone have an idea where I might start looking for problems?  Again,
I wasn't having this problem for months using this server and now all of
the sudden I get this delay when expunging.

Here is a snip of a conversation with my server...
01 client:      00000107 STORE 324 +Flags (\DELETED)
02 server:      * 324 FETCH (FLAGS (\Answered \Deleted \Seen))
03 server:      00000107 OK Completed
04 client:      00000108 SEARCH ALL 1:268 DELETED
05 server:      * SEARCH
06 server:      00000108 OK Completed
07 client:      00000109 EXPUNGE
// ~20sec delay.. the server does in fact ack
// the message sent by the client, but is slow
// sending a response.
08 server:      * 324 EXPUNGE
09 server:      * 333 EXISTS
10 server:      * 8 RECENT
11 server:      00000109 OK Completed

I'm sure any help would be useful.

David DeLauro

I do this really moronic thing that the government doesn't want me to do.  It is 
called thinking. - George Carlin

When the World gains wisdom I will gain peace. - Id

There is no greater tyranny, than that which is perpetrated under the shield of law 
and in the name of justice. - Montesquieu

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