On Monday 05 November 2001 12:17 pm, cyrus-mailinglist wrote:
> Hello folks!
> One question! If I have a mailbox created with cyradm how I can make
> aliases 4 this mailbox?

It's handled by your MTA.

> And if I want to host multiple domains with cyrus how this works??

Same way it does with POP-3.
It requires a globally unique account name for all users
in the system regardless of domain name they are a part of.
Unless you want to burn 1 IP address per domain name.  If
you do decide that 1 IP address per domain is a valid solution
for your installation, the archives have lots of information
on how to set this up.

If you decide that 1 IP per domain is not acceptable, which
anybody who does lots of virtual hosting generally does, then
I recommend you apply the sep-heirarchy patch which will
allow you to use straight email addresses as account names.

I also recommend using the alternate namespace patch 
to give your users the folder heirarchy look they are 
used to seeing with everything at the top level, rather
than everything being a subfolder of Inbox.

The archives cover this in great detail and I suggest
you look there first on how to set this up.

-- Michael --

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