From: "Esh, Thomas D (Tom)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 10:26:22 -0500

   We are evaluating the possibility of using cyrus for a 
   commercial product.

   Therefore, I'm looking licensing issues with Cyrus and the Berkeley DB
   product must be licensed if the source code of the product
   using it is not provided.  The license depends on which
   Berkeley DB product you are using.

   Does anyone know which of the below Berkeley DB products
   cyrus is using? 

Cyrus, by default, uses the Berkeley DB transactional data store.
The data stored in it needs to be persistent through reboots and
other failures.

   Is cyrus dependent on Berkeley DB or fairly easy to remove the
   dependency or replace it with another DB?

Cyrus is only loosely dependent on Berkeley db; in fact, for 2.0.16,
it can be trivially configured to not even use Berkeley db.  (Edit
"cyrusdb_db3" to "cyrusdb_flat" in imap/mboxlist.h.)  It should be
straightforward to write an alternate database (look at

The duplicate delivery database is also Berkeley db dependent, but
this isn't as easy to change in 2.0.16.  It'll be somewhat easier in

The next version of Cyrus will utilize Berkeley db tables somewhat
more heavily.


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