Would bw fine, if you could specify your question a little bit. 

e.g.The mail you want to forward is already in an IMAP-Mailbox? What dou
you want to POP?
What is your configuration like? e.g which MTA and which MDA do you use?

Mail which is already in a mailbox is delivered. Of course you can
specify rules, sorting Mail before Delivery, forwarding a CC to another

Joe Ellis wrote:
> is there anyway i can forward mail that is already in a mailbox?
> there are a few people that want to forward thier mail to another
> mailserver.  is there a way to do this, or do they have to pop thier
> account one last time?
> --
> Joe Ellis
> http://www.lithodyne.net

Bernd Weber
Medienpartner                     Tel    0 22 07/911 377
Kommunikationsgesellschaft mbH
Baerbroich 35                     Mobil  0177-3627616
51429 Bergisch-Gladbach           e-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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