At 09:26 AM 9/28/2001 +0200, Tarjei Huse wrote:
>In the "advanced" tag in OE, there are settings for setting ssl and ports for
>the server.

Please tell me if I am wrong, but my impression with OE is that it can't 
use startssl.  It can either make a connection to a TLS enabled socket or 
it will talk in the clear.  Is that true?

We often hear of war described as if it were some kind of impersonal
affliction, such as the Black Plague or famine.The fact is that war is not
just something that happens, it is something that people make happen, and
they make it happen for reasons. As Clausewitz said, war is the continuation
of politics by other means. Exactly. War is neither a hurricane nor a flood.
It is, on the contrary, the cutting edge of ideology.
   -- Jeff Cooper
Nick Simicich - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

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