Thanks again!

I'm using Postfix, so this is a configuration problem there.

Checking it out

> * I can see local mail with pine, and can send mail with command line or
> pine * to local users, but it never gets delivered to imap. I'm sure that
> this is in * the docs, but I could not find it.
> Maybe not.  Which MTA do you employ?  If problems arise within LMTP you
> won't see them:
>   your mail -> sendmail/postfix/other-MTA -> deliver -> lmtpd -> cyrus-box
>                                                      ^^-- problem?
> One way to debug problems within LMTP (maybe box does not exist/cannot be
> found) goes as follows:
>  - set preforks within /etc/cyrus.conf to 0
>  - start cyrus master
>  - do an "strace -f -p <pid of cyrus master>", let it run
>  - and send some mail while looking at the strace output
> (you will see even more with an "ltrace".  Both are linux specific, if you
>  use some other OS, those utils are called "truss", "ktrace" ....)
> You may then see that deliver/lmtpd could not deliver the mail because
> of some misconfiguration/permission problems.
> Regards,
> - Birger

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