I am trying to purge my IMAP mailboxes and am using ipurge for the task. 
The problem is that I am
not sure of how to use it. I have looked at the code and that is not too 
clear. I try to use it like this:

/usr/cyrus/bin/ipurge -d 30 user.testguy.Lists.cyrus-info

I run this as user cyrus, I have the directory 
/var/spool/imap/user/testguy/Lists/cyrus-info and
there are files in there older than 30 days. But when I run it, ipurge just 
exits and does nothing.
According to the code it should at least print out a summary table of what 
it did, but it does not.
I stepped it through in the debugger and when it gets to the routine 
mboxlist_findall, line 1391 it
claims "No such file or directory". I tried the command every which way I 
could think of including
dropping the user. part at the beginning, but no luck. It does not seem to 
ever enter the purge_me
routine. This can't be this difficult. I am running Cyrus 2.0.16 I believe. 
Whatever the latest release is.
Any ideas?

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