Have you checked the death by 11 section of cyrus-utils.sf.net/faq?

> Hello,
> I initially thought this was a permissions issue when I saw similar
> messages.
> I've about convinced myself that its not and am now thinking that it
> may be
> a library issue, ie can't find the one it wants. My problem is that
> when sendmail invokes deliver, deliver dies with the signal 11. Has
> anyone
> else seen this and if so did you get it fixed?
> Regards,
> Earl Shannon
> --
> Systems Programmer, Computing Services, Information Technology
> NC State University.
> http://www4.ncsu.edu/~ershanno
> Dan de Haan wrote:
>> I have Cyrus 2.0.16 and postfix installed on a RedHat 7.2 system.
>> About 8-10 times a day, either lmptd or imap will die.  Once a thread
>> dies, the server is unusable, and has to be restarted before it will
>> accept any connections. The server currently has only a dozen boxes on
>> it, and transfers about 600 mail per day.
>> Up until last Thursday, this system was running Redhat 7.1 with Cyrus
>> 2.0.16 and didn't have any problems.  A hard disk failure is the
>> reason for the re-install.
>> Any ideas on what could cause this?
>> Jan 28 04:24:16 gateway master[16786]: about to exec
>> /usr/cyrus/bin/lmtpd Jan 28 04:24:16 gateway service-lmtpunix[16786]:
>> executed
>> Jan 28 04:24:17 gateway master[15917]: process 16786 exited, signaled
>> to death by 11
>> db3-devel-3.2.9-4
>> db3-3.2.9-4
>> db3-utils-3.2.9-4
>> postfix-20011210-1pcreSASL
>> openssl-0.9.6b-8
>> openssl-devel-0.9.6b-8
>> glibc-2.2.4-19.3
>>                 -Dan de Haan

Tarjei Huse
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