On Sat, Feb 09, 2002 at 01:05:41PM -0500, Daniel Yu wrote:
> Here is what we have to give you an example.
> OpenLDAP as backend directory.
> Both Cryus-SASL.1.5.27 and 2.1.1 are installed. Cyrus-SASL-1.5.27 uses
> PAM to authenticate with LDAP. 2.1.1 uses saslauthd to authenticate with
> LDAP via PAM.
> Postfix is used as MTA, it authenticates with SASL 1.5.27.
> Cyrus 2.1.1 uses SASL 2.1.1 for authentication.

Yes, but I want to use both PAM, for plain text passwords, and sasldb,
for secure passwords.  This is so users can choose of CRAM-MD5
if they wish to use it.  The two versions of SASL use different
formats for sasldb, so they can't coexist.  If sendmail could use SASL
2.1.x, that would help a lot.  How much work would this require?

-Gary Mills-    -Unix Support-    -U of M Academic Computing and Networking-

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