Well the first cut of the tool is done any brave souls who wish to try it.


Please if you are going to try it, read the README file.  There are 
things that you have to do by hand (i.e. library locations) and files 
that you have to copy, didn't feel like adding a make install.  It might 
not be too bad to autoconf it since it could probably use the sasl 

In a nutshell it's the saslpasswd_v1 and saslpasswd_v2 wrapped in a 
dynamic layer to avoid symbol clashing.  It has some ugliness, but it 
seems to work (only done minor testing on it).

I didn't make a converter as someone pointed out the dbconverter-2 
already exists in sasl_v2.  I didn't make the combined lister as no one 
seemed to have a need greater then what sasldblister and sasldblister2 

I have compiled and successfully run it under debian linux (i386) and 
solaris 2.5.1 (sparc).

Have fun, let me know of any massive shortcomings.  Be advised this is 
experimental software, use it at your own risk.  Backup your data before 
using this tool.


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