On Fri, Feb 22, 2002 at 01:10:30PM +0100, Simon Matter wrote:
> Which process gives you permission denied? Is it your MTA (Sendmail,
> Postfix), your MDA (procmail) or what? This process has to be able to
> access lmtp. 

The deliver program get the permission denied, and the deliver program
is called from procmail. I'm using postfix.
I changed the imap dir to 755 it seams that this was the problem with
the permission denied. But the mails don't turn up this mailbox.

That's what I see in the logs:

Feb 22 17:33:11 he0 master[56378]: about to exec
Feb 22 17:33:11 he0 service-lmtpunix[56378]: executed
Feb 22 17:33:11 he0 lmtpd[56378]: accepted connection
Feb 22 17:33:11 he0 lmtpd[56378]: lmtp connection preauth'd as postman

That's the procmail entry:

:0: $LOGNAME.lock
| /usr/local/cyrus/bin/deliver mhetest

For testing I send mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


If they were so inclined, they could impeach him because they don't like his 
-Attorney General William Saxbe 

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