On Tue, 2002-02-26 at 15:38, Dave C wrote:
> All,
> I am wondering if I have this process right, I want to
> use LDAP with cyrus so do I store everythign in ldap
> or just all the user information and the password is
> stored in /etc/sasldb? if so then i'd assume the
> pwcheck_method: sasldd. I am ok with either storing
> everything in ldap or just storing the user info, I
> just want to be sure to do it properly,

Depends what you mean by ldap with cyrus.
Ldap can be used to authenticate the user or you could
use sasldb. IF you use sasldb, then I dont know what you want
ldap to do (Address book in which case it could be kept separate)


> as it stands now my imapd.conf looks like:
> configdirectory: /var/imap
> partition-default: /var/spool/imap
> admins: cyrus root 
> allowanonymouslogin: no
> sasl_pwcheck_method: ldap
> sasl_ldap_basedn: dc=temperagen,dc=com
> sasl_ldap_search_base: dc=temperagen,dc=com
> sasl_ldap_server_host: localhost
> sasl_ldap_server_port: 389
> sasl_ldap_query_filter: (mailacceptinggeneralid=%s)
> sasl_ldap_result_attribute: mailacceptinggeneralid 

What version of sasl are you using what patch 
I dont remember one haveing sasl_ldap_result_attribute
although I could be wrong. Its looks like sasl v2 with the
auxprop patch but Im not totally ceratin .
( Pwcheck_method: auxprop would be required)


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