
Tonight I am upgrading 4 mail servers currently running Cyrus 2.0.16
release versions to "cyrus-2-1-sasl-v1-tail" from cvs.

Does anyone know of any problems i *may* run into with this particular
cvs version.

Is it safe to assume this is stable 2.1.0 code designed to work with
sasl 1.5.27?  Would anyone recommend using a different version (I am not
ready to take the plunge to sasl v2...)

I am hoping this will correct allot of locking problems on the server
and add most of the bug fixes from 2.0.16 (which is from June of 01)


John C. Amodeo, Associate Director
Information Technology and Computer Operations
Faculty of Arts & Sciences, Rutgers University
732.932.9455-voice 732.932.0013-fax

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