I am looking for some suggestions on how people archive mailing lists.
Every month I change Listserv.info-cyrus to 

When I used mh I used to convert to mbox format and then use hypermail
to archive in web format so it could be viewed and searched in a web

I haven't done this since using cyrus because I don't know how to
convert the cyrus format to mbox which is what the program hypermail

I want to convert archives because as the months go by it takes longer
and longer to open a mailreader if all the archives are included in the
folder list.  Also, I would like to be able to search across folders 
which I don't think one can do in most mail readers but which one can
do if one archives in html format.

What do other people do?



                                Lance Hoffmeyer
                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  It gives me great pleasure indeed to see the stubbornness of an
                        nonconformist warmly acclaimed.
                                Albert Einstein

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