Dave C <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have been having tons of trouble getting my
> cyrus-imap versions 2.0.16 to 2.1.2 with both sasl v1
> and v2 to authenticate against ldap, I've been talking
> to simon from surf.org he's be a tremendous help but
> we still as of yet havent gotten it to work. my
> question is this im trying to do this all on suse 7.3
> sparc originally, now im trying x86 suse 7.3, it seem
> simon uses Freebsd 4.x, I was just curious what
> Distros other people are using out there that use ldap
> as their authentication or just even with any other
> authentication method. thanks.

I have gotten all of these components to work fine on redhat 7.2 from
source. Please note that if you have sasl kerberos installed it'll screwup
the ldap authentication for some reason.

Anyways, if you want to see how I get cyrus to work with ldap, check out
http://www.rhsd.net One of the files you can download rhems-inst has the
setup.sh script that I wrote to configure your box for cyrus/postfix/sieve
with ldap authentication and a web front end (shameless plug here, hehe).
But anyways, there's a setup.sh that goes through all of the steps (and
configuration options) for installing cyrus imap with sasl -> pam -> ldap
authentication. It's pretty straight forward.

Best Regards,
E. M. Recio

* Chief Systems Engineer, Behavioral Informatics Inc.  *
* EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]     |  AIM: emrecio             *
* PAGER: (215) 314-2622    |  FAX: (215) 503-2648      *
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