david eitzinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There is a tool to manage cyrus via php:
> http://freshmeat.net/projects/php-cyradm/
> I've tried the 1.x version once and it looked quite good.

I tried to use that tool, but it didn't work at all under mozilla, or netscape
6.x. And it was not using the php-library calls, I noticed it was using its
own set of socket commands for administrating the server. I was going to
modify it, but it was pretty hairy, so I just split off. 

I think it was done before the imap commands were in php. It would be nice to
see it updated for php4! It's pretty sexy (feature wise) though, but not very
extensible or modifyable (hairy codewise).


Best Regards,
E.M. Recio

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