OCNS Consulting wrote:
> We migrated to IMAP 2.1.3 and SASL Libraries 2.1.1
> LDAP authentication via PAM is utilized.
> Environment:
>         - Linux kernel 2.4.9-31
>         - PAM 0.75-19
>         - LDAP 2.0.23
>         - BerkeleyDB 4.0.14
> LDAP access such as: ldapsearch, ldapadd work and the
> LDAP Browser from U.M. communicates as expected.
> Cyrus SASL Libraries configure Statement:
>         ./configure \
>         --with-staticsasl \
>         --with-bdb-libdir=/usr/local/BerkleyDB/lib \
>         --with-bdb-incdir=/usr/local/BerkleyDB/include \
>         --enable-krb4=no
> Cyrus IMAP configure Statement:
>         ./configure \
>         --enable-fulldirhash \
>         --with-sasl=/usr/lib/sasl2 \
>         --with-openssl=/usr/local/ssl \
>         --with-tcl=/usr/local/ActiveTcl \
>         --with-auth=unix \
>         --without-krb \
>         --with-dbdir=/usr/local/BerkeleyDB \
>         --enable-listext
> The master process appears to start correctly along with all supporting
> protocols (imap, imaps, pop3, pop3s, sieve, etc...)
> When a NEW session is attempted, authentication appears to work, imapd
> is called and then "signaled to death by 11" occurs. Here's a LOG excerpt.
>         Mar 18 17:00:07 mailsvr imapd[12741]: accepted connection
>         Mar 18 17:00:07 mailsvr master[12783]: about to exec /usr/cyrus/bin/imapd
>         Mar 18 17:00:07 mailsvr imap[12783]: executed
>         Mar 18 17:00:07 mailsvr master[12709]: process 12741 exited, signaled to
> death by 11
> Anything look familiar or obvious? Suggestions?

Nope, not enough info.  How about a backtrace of a core file.

Kenneth Murchison     Oceana Matrix Ltd.
Software Engineer     21 Princeton Place
716-662-8973 x26      Orchard Park, NY 14127
--PGP Public Key--    http://www.oceana.com/~ken/ksm.pgp

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