I think there is one other one actually in France somewhere.

At 11:29 AM 3/27/2002 -0500, Gautam Das wrote:
>Hello, is anybody listening? I have not received a single response to my
>distress call. Are we the only AIX cyrus site in the world or what?
>On Tue, 26 Mar 2002, Gautam Das wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Is anyone running Cyrus on AIX? We had upgraded from 1.5 to 2.0.16 last
> > weekend, and had to rollback after half a day of operation. The cyrus
> > master process would silently stop doing anything useful after anywhere
> > from 15 minutes to a maximum 2 hours of operation. Unfortunately once it
> > got to that state it would not log anything either. Is 2.0.16 running
> > without problems on Solaris and Linux? I am trying to understand if the
> > problems we are seeing are specific to AIX?
> >
> > The rollback required reconstructing all of the 85000+ mailboxes, which
> > took over 2 days on a 4 CPU SP2 node running AIX 4.3.3.  If anyone is
> > running or has attempted to run cyrus version 2 on AIX, irrespective of
> > the size of their user population, I am very eager to hear from them.
> >
> > Thank you and looking forward to find at least someone out there running
> > Cyrus on AIX.
> >
> >
>Gautam Das                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Senior Systems Programmer               Tel: (352) 392-2061
>Northeast Regional Data Center          Fax: (352) 392-9440
>University of Florida

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