Jonathan Marsden schrieb:
> On 28 Mar 2002, Simon Matter writes:
> > Ramiro Morales schrieb:
> >> FYI, Simon Matter announced his WIP RPM packages of Cyrus 2.1.x in
> >> thsi last back in February.
> >>
> > I have updated to cyrus imapd 2.1.3.  The database backends are now
> > configurable at compile.  I'm still using db3 as default because db4
> > has generated error messages and I build on RedHat 7.2 at the
> > moment.  db3 is "standard" on 7.2, I guess db4 will be in for
> > 7.3/8.0.  I'll test it on skipjack-beta1 when I find some time.
> FYI, the cyrus-imapd-2.1.3 SRPM rebuilt problem-free on my Red Hat 7.2
> machine here.  Looks good so far!

Mee too I don't know what is much better with DB4. I just tried it and
wanted the SRPM to be ready when DB4 comes in.
I have expected to see cyrus-sasl 2.x and DB4 in the upcoming RedHat
release. Both packages were on rawhide but now it seems they are gone.
They are not in skipjack-beta1.

Maybe this meens that DB4 is not important for RedHat but what about
sasl? Maybe it was too much trouble with sasl2 and that's why they stay
with 1.5.24. I hope not because it will make usage of cyrus-imapd 2.x
more difficult in future.


> I am intrigued by the DB4/DB3 change.  Why is use of DB4 important for
> Cyrus 2.1.x, compared to DB3?  Performance?  Scalability?
> Reliability?  Does it only matter for the folks with tens of thousands
> of IMAP users?
> I realize it is generally good to use the latest and greatest
> libraries, but when (as with Red Hat 7.2) the db3 (3.2.9) stuff is
> there by default, and replacing it with db4 for Cyrus seems to have
> tripped up at least a couple of people on the list, I'm wondering
> whether there is a significant real world benefit to using db4 that I
> have missed?
> The only reference to db4 I can find in the cyrus-imapd-2.1.3/doc
> directory is in changes.html, which says only:
>   * now compatible with Berkeley DB4 (Larry M. Rosenbaum, [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Can someone who has used (or is now using) db4 as a Cyrus backend db
> either explain, or provide a pointer to an explanation of, the
> benefits of using db4 over db3 for cyrus-imapd?
> Thanks,
> Jonathan

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