On 8 Apr 2002, David Goodrich writes:

> i am attempting to install cyrus-imapd-2.0.16 from source.  i am
> using make-3.79.1-8, gcc-2.96-98, and glibc-2.2.4-19.3.  this is
> being done on a redhat 7.2 system with the 2.4.7-10 kernel.

Is it OK to ask why you feel a desire or need to do this?  It seems to
me that you could use existing SRPMs of Cyrus 2.0.16 from at least two
different sources, and achieve the apparent goal more easily and more
quickly.  They seem to compile/build/install just fine on Red Hat 7.x.
There are even 2.1.3 SRPMs available now.

Other than as a "learning experience", what is the benefit of
struggling through a manual tarball-based installation?  Others have
gone before you, and done the necessary work to make the exact same
piece of software compile and install on your chosen Linux
distribution.  It's probably worth considering using their work as a
basis for your own.

For Cyrus-IMAPd 2.0.x and SASL 1.5.x see:




For Cyrus-IMAPd 2.1.x and SASL 2.1.x, see:




As a more general question to the list: Is there any way we can get
this sort of info about locations of Cyrus RPMs, and other packages
such as .deb's for Debian etc etc, onto the primary Cyrus-related web

Jonathan Marsden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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