Is it by design that if I setup in cyrus.conf something like this:
pop3          cmd="pop3d" listen="[]:pop3" prefork=0
pop3          cmd="pop3d" listen="[]:pop3" prefork=0

than after first connection to lets say, the spawned pop3d never
closes, and handles all subsequent connections?

and than no connections can be made to, until I manually kill pop3d

and the other way around.
trying to connect second time says that connection is established, but no server
prompt appears, until as I mentioned the other interface pop3d is killed.
same thing with imapd.

using this works:
pop3          cmd="pop3d" listen="pop3" prefork=0
but isn't listen there to create flexibility on which interface to listen?

or am I alone in seeing this problem? or is setting listen on several ips for
one protocol not allowed?

freebsd 4.5 imapd 2.1.3 sasl 2.1.2

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