BT> 1. You may try to set "mailbox_transport" to deliver locally (non-cyrus)

BT>    and "luser_relay" to use cyrus if no valid local user could be found.
luser_relay = cyrus ?

BT> 2. You may try to set "mailbox_transport" to procmail which in turn will
BT>    hand the mail over to cyrus' deliver program.  If that fails, procmail
BT>    could try to spool it locally.
mailbox_transport = cyrus ?

BT> 3. You may try to let postfix expand incoming addresses to "<user>@<ltmphost>"
BT>    or "<user>@<localhost>" and define appropriate transport_maps for each
BT>    destination (the former will accept cyrus emails via LMTP, the latter
BT>    will spool it directly into local boxes).
please, detailed this ...

With best wishes,
Sergey Golubitsky
phone (383-2) 181-434, 181-113                          

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