Our policy for  spam-control is the following:
a.  Everything which is a risk for  the network as a whole:  trap site wide
(MTA level or even before (ip-blocking)) For example we use spamshield 
now to block ip routes to flooding hosts.
b.  The rest is under user control  (cannot be done at MTA level right?)

I'm not an mailserver-wizard so I may be wrong. My picture of the dance 
of sendmail and cyrus (and other mailers) is that sendmail determines to 
whom it should deliver and the mailers do the actual work in delivering 
the stuff;  cyrus to it's own store, procmail to /var/mail/something , 
the fax mailer to the lpr spooler etc.

I want sendmail to proceed as normal in detecting for whom the message 
is and deliver it unless the final recipient has specified not to do 
this. Some users may actually like the spam they receive. Principle is 
that I want the end user to be in control of this process ( server 
based, not client filtering)

So, in my simplified picture of the world, I imagine a process between 
sendmail and cyrus which knows about the users preferences in this 
regard and pass on the message accordingly to the right mailbox or not. 
 This should also work for group addresses (defined in /etc/aliases for 
example) in which some users say ok to the message and others don't.

Is my picture of the world wrong?
It seems that mapSoN does exactly this except for the passing on to the 
final mailer.


simon wrote:

>On Wed, 2002-04-24 at 11:46, Marcel van der Boom wrote:
>>In search for a spam control tool to use in combination with cyrus I 
>>couldn't  find something to our liking.
>you should be able to use anything as spam control should be
>MTA based.
>I have used spam assassin in the past but I don't know if there is
>a webfront definitely possible and to not have them to have shell
>>Our first choice would be:
>>mapSoN  (http://mapson.sourceforge.net)
>>uses a direct delivery to mailbox (/var/spool/mail like) mechanism so 
>>cannot be used directly with cyrus (right?)
>>What we want:
>>- combination of *user* manageable blacklists and whitelists
>>- optional confirmation mechanism for first time senders
>>- preferably web based administration
>>- cyrus interoperability (initialy for users with shell account, but 
>>later also for cyrus only users)
>>Any suggestions for this?

Marcel van der Boom
HS-Development BV
Kwartiersedijk 14B
Fijnaart, The Netherlands
Tel. : 0168-468822
Fax. : 0168-468823

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