
I'm using cyrus-imapd-1.6.19 + SASL 1.5.27 and happy enough. 
After some changes in my OS I've set websieve-061 to deal with timsieved. 
Before I had used an old version of websieve and that was fine.
Now I cannot login to my timsieved daemon and seems to be compatibility 
problem. I see in log:

Apr 30 15:14:16 host imapd[89519]: login: x.x.x[y.y.y.y] user plaintext
Apr 30 15:14:16 host timsieved[89520]: badlogin: x.x.x[y.y.y.y] PLAIN generic 

The session looks like that:
"Cyrus timsieved v1.0.0" "SASL={PLAIN}"
A.. there is data ....E=
NO "generic failure"

at the same time if I remove "+" I see:
"Cyrus timsieved v1.0.0" "SASL={PLAIN}"
"Ready for data"
A.. there is data ....E=
NO "generic failure"

So my question is - how deep is the difference between timsieved 2.x and 1.0
What have I fix to force websieve-061 work well ?
Unfortunately I cannot find the correct scenerio for auth with timsieved 1.0 

P.S. Please send me a copy on my email


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